Facebook.me: Custom Facebook themes

After reading about Facebook.me at Stayin’ Alive, I decided to take a closer look for myself. What I found was an interesting platform that draws content from your Facebook profile to populate variously themed webpages. With a few modifications, modules such as Like buttons, streaming update boxes, and various other Facebook typical interfaces can be integrated into existing webpages. Essentially, this turns a website into a Facebook page, and can now be liked and interacted with as such

The homepage of faceboom-me. Watch the traffic on this URL skyrocket.

This development is going to see huge use with companies frustrated with the limited capabilities of the Facebook Pages platform.

What do you think is going to happen once Facebook.me hits the web as a full release?


Filed under The Outside World

2 responses to “Facebook.me: Custom Facebook themes

  1. This is by a company not affiliated to facebook?

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